(Free) Humor Meaning In Biology

Humor is a complex cognitive function which often leads to laughter.
Humor meaning in biology. Humour also spelled humor from latin liquid or fluid in early western physiological theory one of the four fluids of the body that were thought to determine a person s temperament and features. One of the four fluids of the body blood phlegm choler and black bile whose relative proportions were thought in ancient and medieval physiology to determine a person s disposition and general health. Aqueous humor and vitreous humor supplement the historical usage of the term humor refers to the bodily fluid of an animal. Meaning and definition of vitreous humor. A person s characteristic disposition or temperament. In the ancient physiological theory still current in the european middle ages and later the four cardinal humours were blood phlegm choler yellow bile and melancholy black. Humor s conspicuous presence in the behavioral repertoire of humankind invites adaptive explanations.
To soothe or content someone by indulgence. See more ideas about biology humor science humor biology. Humors physiology a fluid or a semifluid of an animal body particularly those located within the eyeball i e. He has a wonderful sense of humor. The science of laughter far from mere reactions to jokes hoots and hollers are serious business. To comply with the temperament or inclinations of the only way to get along with him is to humor him. An often temporary state of mind.
Contemporary humor theorists have begun to formulate hypotheses outlining the possible innate cognitive structures underlying humor. The jellylike material that fills the posterior cavity of the vertebrate eye. They re innate and important social tools. To adapt oneself to yielding to and humoring the motion of the limbs and twigs. The ability to be amused by something seen heard or thought about sometimes causing you to smile or laugh or the quality in something that causes such amusement. I know you don t agree but just humor me.